Can A Traffic Ticket Result In A Bench Warrant? What You Should Know
If you have unpaid traffic tickets, it is very possible that you could have a bench warrant out for your arrest. This could lead to a very embarrassing incident of getting arrested in front of your family members or co-workers. You should get to the bottom of the possibility of a bench warrant as soon as possible to avoid this at all costs.
Bench Warrants—What Do They Mean?
The courts issue a bench warrant when you have failed to comply with a court order. Examples of this including failing to appear for a court appearance in order to pay a fine or for a license suspension. Both of these are possible if you have not paid your outstanding traffic tickets.
If you think there could be a bench warrant out for you, you need to figure it out as soon as possible. You can look on the court's website to see if your name is listed in the warrant section. You can also call the courthouse to find this information.
The longer this is prolonged, the worse the consequences could be. If you are stopped in traffic, you could be arrested on site for your warrant. This can result in having jail time, paying a bond, and having to pay for additional court fines in addition to your ticket fines. It will also result in a criminal record that can prohibit you getting a job or even an apartment.
How To Handle A Bench Warrant
If you do indeed have a bench warrant, you will need to find out exactly what type of bench warrant you have. Speak to the clerk and ask if it is a bond warrant or a no bond warrant. A bond warrant will only require you to go to the courthouse and pay your fine. A no bond warrant will not likely apply in a traffic fine incident, as they are typically reserved for violent incidents. However, this will highly depend on your county and how they decide to handle your warrant.
The court clerk will tell you how much your bond is and ask you to come in and pay it. After you pay your fine, be sure to get a receipt to take to the courthouse. You will need to turn yourself in. This will not be ideal, but it will help you pay fewer fines and spend less time in jail, if any at all.
The best thing you can do in this situation is to hire a lawyer, such as those found at Taylor Bayona Law Firm. While you will have to pay for a lawyer, they can often get the warrant removed. This can help save you some money, while also preventing any embarrassment and blemishes on your record.